FCS Marketing and Branding Toolkit

Welcome to our page where you can access all of our new graphics, colors, branding guidelines, and more!

Family and Consumer Science Graphics

Codes and Colors

Royal Blue

PMS 7684 C
RGB: 58+89+168
Human Development

PMS 7712 C
RGB: 31+152+170
CMYK: 79+24+30+0

Community Health

PMS 7655 C
RGB: 166+90+150
CMYK: 38+77+11+0

Consumer Economics

PMS 360 C
RGB: 110+190+74
CMYK: 61+0+96+0

Nutrition & Food Safety
UT Orange

PMS 151 C
RGB: 245+130+32
CMYK: 0+60+100+0



The official font of UTIA and UT Extension FCS is Gotham. A limited amount of licenses are available for purchase through Marketing and Communications at a reduced rate of $19.05. Each computer requires its own license. You may reach out to UTIA Marketing and Communications with interest.


This is a Google font that is used as our official digital font of choice.

County Specific Graphics

*Right click on image in separate tab and then “Save As”

Additional Marketing Materials

PowerPoint Template

Zoom Backgrounds

FCS Brochures

FCS Bookmark


Social Media

PowerPoint Footers

Word Footers

Email Signature Logo Bar

Bathroom Infographics

guidelines headerbar

Social Media

Social media is currently one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach an audience. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn each cater to a specific demographic, but when used in tandem can broadcast the Extension brand to a wide range of individuals. For the Extension brand to achieve the most impact across all social media platforms, it’s important we represent it in a unified and consistent manner. Using the UT Extension and UT-TSU Extension ​logos across all platforms is one way to reinforce the Extension brand. 

Please make sure that you have the UTExtension official Logo on your social media account and feel free to also co-brand with our FCS graphic. Your social media posts can utilize the FCS graphic as the main account will be UTExtension branded.

For example, here the Extension Facebook page uses the new UT Extension logo in white on a green background. This profile picture is one of many available for download. 

Profile Picture

We are excited to supply avatars, or “profile pictures,” and cover photos featuring Extension branding, for your county social media accounts. They can be found in the Logos section of the Marketing Toolkit. 

Additional Guidelines

Please take a moment to review the UTIA Social Media Guidelines and Best Practices, and register your new or existing social media account(s) to stay connected with other UTIA communicators.  ​

FCS Graphic Specifics

Our new FCS graphic is exactly that… a graphic. This is to pair alongside our UTExtension logo on all official print and professional documents, advertisements, and publications.

Our FCS graphic aims to tell the story alongside of our logo of who we are as Family and Consumer Sciences. Please feel free to utilize this graphic alongside our UTExtension logo.

Please find more information about our visual standards applying to our UTExtension logo here