Preventing Opioid Misuse through Partnerships and Training in Tennessee
Recorded Webinars:
Series 1
Using Data For Action : What You Need To Know!
A Guide to Addressing Substance Misuse in Your Community
An overview of the increase in negative health outcomes related to opioids in the US and Central Appalachia with a preliminary look at overdose increases post COVID-19. This session will also demonstrate how to find TN county level data and community prevention groups.
Unpacking Tennessee Adolescent Substance Misuse Data
An overview of state and county level adolescent substance use data to include a summary of TN Together adolescent survey results from 2018/2019.
A Guide to Addressing Substance Misuse in Your Community
An overview of the increase in negative health outcomes related to opioids in the US and Central Appalachia with a preliminary look at overdose increases post COVID-19. This session will also demonstrate how to find TN county level data and community prevention groups.
Series 2
Addiction and the Brain
Addiction is driven by changes in the brain. This webinar will describe the neurobiology of addiction, or how addiction affects the brain over the short and long term. Increase understanding of how substance misuse changes brain function impacting one’s ability to regulate emotions, actions, and impulses.
Understanding Stigma, Treatment and Recovery
Stigma is one reason people don’t seek treatment. This webinar will address the relationship between stigma and seeking treatment, and how stigma can impede recovery. Increase understanding of treatment options like medication-assisted treatment and its effectiveness.
Words Matter: How We Talk about Substance Use and Addiction
This webinar will provide a vocabulary lesson in talking about substance use. Some common words or phrasing can be damaging. Learn language that supports individuals and families in recovery.