Register for one of our FREE Virtual or In-Person Workshops!
This section of our site provides you with information related to our in-person workshops. Use the tabs in the chart below to toggle between our upcoming in-person classes based on location!
In-Person Workshops
Meets on Mondays
beginning 10/2/2023
Facilitators: Jacklyn Blair & Lendsey Russell
Time: 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: 9/29/2023
For more information or to register contact: Jacklyn Blair at jblair32@utk.eduor | 865-828-3411
Meets on Mondays and Wednesdays
beginning 10/2/2023
Facilitators: Savanah Jenkins, Myra Walker
Time: 2:00 PM
Registration Deadline: 10/4/2023
Registration Contact: St. Mary’s Manor at 731-668-5633
For questions contact Tennille Short at ztshort@utk.edu
Meets on Tuesdays
beginning 10/3/2023
Facilitators:Elizabeth Renfro, Tracy Buckles, & Heatherly Sifford
Time: 12:30 PM
Registration Deadline: 9/29/2023
Registration Contact: Memorial Park Community Center 423-434-5750
For more information: Elizabeth Renfro at eelizond@utk.edu | 423-753-1680
Meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays
beginning 10/3/2023
Facilitators: Lydia Hoskins, Noah Crusenberry
Time: 2:30 PM
Registration Deadline:
For more information or to register contact: Lydia Hoskins at Lydia@utk.edu
Meets on Tuesdays
beginning 10/3/2023
Facilitators: Carol Brandon, Ashley Hembree
Time: 10:00 AM
Registration Deadline: 10/02/2023
For more information or to register contact: Carol Brandon at cbrandon@utk.edu
Meets on Tuesdays
beginning 10/03/2023
Facilitators: Carol Brandon, Ashley Hembree
Time: 5:00 PM
Registration Deadline: 10/02/2023
For more information or to register contact: Carol Brandon at cbrandon@utk.edu
Meets on Thursdays
beginning 10/5/2023
Facilitators: Ashley Harris; Rebecca Seratt
Time: 10:00 AM
Registration Deadline: 10/12/2023
For more information or to register contact: Ashley Harris at ashaharr@utk.edu | 731-253-6528
Meets on Mondays and Fridays
beginning 10/9/2023
Facilitators: Whitney Danhof, Linda Rucker, Terri Orr and Jennifer Witham
Time: 9:00 AM
Registration Deadline:10/6/2023
Registration Contact: https://bedford.tennessee.edu/family-consumer-science/
For more information: Whitney Danhof at wdanhof1@utk.edu | 931-684-5971
Meets on Mondays
beginning 10/9/2023
Facilitators: Lisa McMahan, Matilyn Lands
Time:9:30 AM
Registration Deadline: 9/2/2023
For more information or to register contact: Jan Frechette at jfrechet@utk.edu
Meets on Mondays
beginning 10/16/2023
Facilitators: Jan Frechette and Kelli Roberson
Time: 10:00 AM
Registration Deadline: 10/09/23
For more information or to register contact: Jan Frechette at jfrechet@utk.edu
Meets on Mondays
beginning 10/23/2023
Facilitators: Michelle Parrott, Christina Swallows
Time: !0:00 AM
Registration Deadline: 10/16/2023
For more information or to register contact: Michelle Parrott at michelle.parrott@utk.edu | 931-526-4561
Meets on Tuesdays
beginning 10/24/2023
Facilitators: Michelle Parrott, Christina Swallows
Time: 9:30 AM
Registration Deadline: 10/06/2023
For more information or to register contact: Michelle Parrott at michelle.parrott@utk.edu | 931-526-4561
Meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays
beginning 10/24/2023
Facilitators: Jamya Douglas and Karen Jones
Time: 10:00 AM
Registration Deadline: 10/2/2023
For more information or to register contact: Jamya Douglas at jamndoug@utk.edu or Karen Jones at kjone138@utk.edu
Meets on Thursdays
beginning 11/2/2023
Facilitators: Jamya Douglas and Karen Jones
Time: 11:30 PM
Registration Deadline: 10/9/2023
For more information or to register contact: Karen Jones at kjone138@utk.edu or Jamya Douglas at jamndoug@utk.edu
Meets on Tuesdays
beginning 12/5/2023
Facilitators: Rachael Lawson and Haley Summers
Time: 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: 11/28/2023
For more information or to register contact: Rachael Lawson at rlawso14@utk.edu | (865) 268-3246 ex: 6438
Meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays
beginning 10/23/2023
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Facilitators: Rachel Dean
Time: 7:30 AM
Registration Deadline:
For more information or to register contact: Lydia@utk.edu
Meets on Mondays
beginning 11/06/2023
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
Facilitators: Martha Henry
Time: 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: 11/13/2023
For more information or to register contact: Martha Henry at mhenry32@utk.edu | 423-586-6111
Meets on Wednesdays and Fridays
beginning 11/01/2023
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
Facilitators: Lydia Hoskins
Time: 11:00 AM
Registration Deadline:
For more information or to register contact: Lydia Hoskins at Lydia@utk.edu | 423-574-1919
Meets on Wednesdays
beginning 11/08/2023
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
Facilitators:Sheila Borders
Time: 1:30 AM
Registration Deadline: 11/08/23
For more information or to register contact: Sheila Borders at sborders@utk.edu | 865-458-5613
Virtual Workshop Sessions (9 sessions each)
This section of our site provides you with information related to our virtual workshop sessions. Each virtual series consists of facilitated discussion among a small group and is designed to help manage concerns about falling. Light physical activity starts the fourth session. A workbook will be mailed to your address. Plan to attend all 9 sessions if possible.
Use the tabs in the chart below to toggle between our upcoming online classes! Each session is a series of nine 2-hour online classes. The classes are listed by time of day and facilitators.
Coming Soon! – See our in-person classes below
What Will You Learn?

Many older adults are concerned about falling and may restrict their activities. A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.
- gain practical strategies to manage falls
- view falls as controllable
- set goals for increasing activity
- make changes to reduce fall risks at home
- exercise to increase strength
- and balance
Who Should Attend?
- anyone concerned about falls
- anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength
- anyone who has fallen in the past
- anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns
Whether for yourself or someone you care for, we invite you to join in one of our FREE classes!