FCS Conference – Reimbursement Procedures

Reimbursement Information & Procedures

Below are travel reimbursement procedures for UT Extension employees. TSU employees should follow TSU travel expense reimbursement policy.

What travel expenses will be reimbursed by Family & Consumer Sciences? 

  • Lodging & fees for a shared room. You will be reimbursed half the cost of your room, including taxes.
  • Parking fees

What travel expenses will need to be paid by your county’s travel or fee-based funds?

  • Mileage
  • Per diem for meals not included as part of the conference (See this link LINK TO MEALS PAGE for provided meals.) NOTE FCS is responsible for meals provided by the Conference. County funds are responsible for per diem meals outside of the Conference meals.

Expenses that are your responsibility:

  • Cost of half of the room, if you chose to room alone
  • Upgrades that have additional charges
  • Incidentals 
  • Transportation (Lyft/Uber/Taxi) 

Reimbursement Account Number

E12-5330 internal order number 1013363

How to be Reimbursed:

When submitting for reimbursement in Concur, please include a copy of the agenda (below) showing meals provided and a full copy of the conference information from the conference webpage (time, place, hotel room charge, etc.)  Be sure to use the proper account numbers for the affiliated expenses (whether FCS or county responsibility).  
